Without going into too much detail, this has meant a vast amount of work for the team and I to ensure the likes of live webcasts, landing pages, and disclaimers (only accessible from certain IP addresses) were up and running in a timely manner. That we are a FTSE250 company means the importance of getting this right first time and to an agreed standard is absolutely essential. It's a good job I love a bit of pressure and problem solving (although not so much the early mornings!)We’re pleased to announce proposed acquisition of international infrastructure & business services group #Mouchel http://t.co/9eEzKXu9Vl— Kier Group plc (@kiergroup) April 28, 2015
This is just the beginning too, as we look to integrate our businesses in a seamless way, with the respective teams already working well together to look at the best strategies for doing so online.
In a related story we also received some truly excellent news in that the global insight agency FTI Consulting independently voted us the top performing FTSE250 company on social media:
.@kiergroup is the top performing #FTSE250 company on social media according to our #SocialDivide report http://t.co/Re0kxG6yaK
— FTI Digital UK (@FTI_SC_DigiUK) April 16, 2015
This is a staggering achievement given that our new strategy has only been in place a few months. Despite, us being very pleased with the much increased level of engagement internally it's always great to see this recognised externally and then benchmarked against our peers.Key to this strategy has been the launch of our new company blog which has hit the ground running in a bigger way than we could have ever hoped. Our latest post on the highways academy has received a brilliant amount of coverage and comments and I even took to writing a guest post myself (I couldn't resist!) We have now increased our weekly traffic to the main company website by 12% with the majority of these being referrals from the blog. Here are some of the key reasons why we know it has worked:
- Internal buy in - Initially we needed to do quite a hard sell internally to get this launched. However, it's clear that by having this tool we can give those people in the business a voice who previously had been sidelined. This demonstrates to them that their contribution is taken seriously
- Being agile - By blogging regularly we can quickly publish content on a subject which is either getting traction nationally (thus increasing our exposure) or highlight something which it particularly pertinent. It's no coincidence that last week's post focused on highways!
- Return visitors - Although admittedly not by much, we have noticed an uplift in people coming back regularly. I know the websites I visit most are the ones that are updated most regularly so this is a no-brainer
- Industry authority - The comments we have received on our posts thus far have been 100% positive. Not bad going at all for our aim to be thought leaders in the sector
- Social Media - our blog also provides an extra talking point on our social channels with our first post on 'Women in Construction' proving a particularly well shared one
- SEO - I couldn't let this one slip by (as it's my boss's favourite!) but by providing regular, unique content we've also noticed Google raking us that little bit higher for certain topics (which makes all the difference against our competitors)
For all of the above objectives we've been very careful to ensure there are measurable outcomes. That way we now have the internal proof it's working as well as the external proof - we love you FTI Consulting!
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